Thursday, February 04, 2010

New Year, New Hopes

It's been a at least few months since my last relevant post. I participated in a few reenactments since then (Drake's Raid, anniversary of Ponce de Leon, and Talk Like a Pirate Day), and they were a lot of fun. Drake's and Ponce de Leon both took place in St Augustine at the Fountain of Youth Park, and in terms of weather were on opposite sides of the spectrum (Drake's being very rainy, and de Leon being nearly perfect). The two reenactments had me dressed in young man's kit by day (with pike), and lady's kit by night. Talk Like a Pirate Day took place at the Orlando Science Center, and we entertained kiddies and adults with a variety of activities and learning opportunities (canon fire off the roof = fun!). I continued learning about local history (St Augustine) and had a great time hanging out with the reenactment scene. I wouldn't mind venturing in to various groups to participate in gigs, but life has had a funny way of pulling me towards other activities. I seem to be venturing forward in time, and am shifting one of my hobbies towards WWII era (I brought this up before, I am certain, but now it's a go).

I knocked a few of my long term goals off my list over the past six months. I didn't have my sights set on buying my first home, but an opportunity popped up that I couldn't pass up. Everything worked out within a matter of weeks, and I moved into a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo in the late summer. It comes with a lot of what I'd call European touches (colors, wallpapering, architecture). And it has a few walls in my favorite color - blue. It also has around 20-something grand in upgrades that I didn't have to pay extra for (ha!). So now I'm a homeowner, which beats the heck out of sinking money into the pits they dare to call apartments out here. And I'm in a safe, rather strikingly beautiful neighborhood. I just need to get out more often and walk around. :)

And just a few days ago, I made yet another big change. One that had me teetering between excitement and guilt. I traded in my '02 PT Cruiser (I adored it, but did not feel safe as of late), and I bought a '10 Nissan Cube. A few years ago box shaped cars hit the market; from Scion to Honda, and I scoffed at them along with so many other folks. They didn't seem pleasing to the eye (Kleenex box on wheels, anyone?), yet they ended up selling like hotcakes, especially with the college crowd. They grew on me over time, and when Nissan decided to take their popular Japanese model (the Cube) and introduce it to the American market, I was hooked. It's lines are a bit rounder and less boxy compared to other models. Now I have one and it rides like a dream (it purrs!). It has so many interesting and unusual features I'm sure it will be an instant conversation starter (can one say, mood lighting?).

Tying to learning, I hope I can continue to learn and enjoy the history of the Adventurers Club, especially with ConGaloosh 2010 on the horizon. I'm sure the next event will have everyone taking in new and interesting stories about how the AC (and Pleasure Island) came to be. A few things I'd like to pick up either at ConGaloosh or for it would be more of an understanding of interactive theatre, along with learning how to sing and dance. All are a big undertaking for me, considering how shy I used to be, but I believe that if you put yourself out there with folks who support your desire to learn and do well, you can overcome your fears and do anything.