Monday, July 21, 2008

VP of Downtown Disney Attacks?

Very interesting how the Vice President of Downtown Disney is supposedly on the attack now for his project on dismantling Pleasure Island. Will I be bringing cards or leaflets with me to let fellow guests in on his "bold new vision" for the area? Dunno. But rest assured I'll be throwing him curve balls from the Internet with many others. Check out this recap of an Internet radio show gone amuck when Mr Lansberry and DTD Security may have started giving Adventurers Club fans a hard time:

"While recording our live radio show last night, many of our co-hosts reported DTD VP Kevin Lansberry showed up at the Adventurers Club last night and pulled people one by one out of the club who were suspected of passing out handbills with information about the petitions and groups working to save the Adventurers Club. When Lansberry was later accosted by people who were po'd at his presence, what he was doing, etc., he jumped on his Segway and zoomed off into the night only to return with even more security personnel, including a bodyguard-type who followed Lansberry throughout the Island. Three separate guests reported to our program that there were literally dozens of Disney security personnel at the AC, alone, last night.
Also new last night: A new rumor has surfaced which suggests the Walt Disney Company has not signed a single contract for the venues it hopes to put up inplace of the AC and other Pleasure Island. FOR ANYONE WHO ONCE SUGGESTED THIS EFFORT WAS FUTILE, think again. We have a huge assetin this news. Keep fighting.Listen to the archived episodes, including last night's live episode,at (Also available in iTunes, search"SavePI" in Podcasts)"

Kudos to those who run this radio show, and even more for those who attempted to (quietly I hope) inform the public of 9/27/08. I'm not aware of the legalities of passing along such knowledge to fellow guests while at the AC (though it IS on, but stress to those who go there and wish to spread the word to use common sense and keep yourself out of trouble! Don't mention the closing out loud for all to hear, and if you encounter Mr Lansberry or DTD Security (in uniforms or "plain clothes), don't antagonize them into kicking you out. If you're there to enjoy the club with everyone else, do what you can to inform guests but don't do it in such a way that it becomes disruptive.

All this talk about passing out secret cards and fliers had me thinking back to an old movie centered on World War II and a group of young people who were executed for non-violent resistence (quietly passing out fliers) in Germany. The movie's called The White Rose. While the focus of the movie and the local shennanigans at the Adventurers Club differ by great leaps and bounds, I do wonder how far Downtown Disney's bigwigs are going to go to ensure fans of PI clubs keep quiet. I doubt they'll use the guillotine.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

An Adventurers Life is Best

I'd caught a cold towards the end of my long weekend with family, and still had it hanging on this past Friday when I got terrible news. Actually, the tv delivered it via a 10:30 news story. I was half passed out from cold meds when my hearing honed in on the words "Pleasure Island" and "closing", and once the story played I had a hard time succumbing to the effects of Tylenol Cold PM. I woke up the next morning, checking various Disney boards, local papers and their online stories and saw a mix of what I thought I'd see. Pleasure Island, due for closure on September 27th, all clubs included.

All clubs? Including the Adventurers Club?
I sniffled, not sure if that was the cold or sadness threatening to make itself visible. Sadly, it was true. Castmembers got word earlier that evening from the VP of Downtown Disney, and while some had been aware of rumors for years, they didn't think the end would come so soon, let alone for ALL of Pleasure Island's clubs. Apparently the miniscule population of Walt Disney World guests who had been surveyed on the area want more dining and shopping options. That miniscule response put big green dollar signs in the beady eyes of the local Executives (or so I prefer to envision). So what did they decide to do about that? Well, if you've been a party to the area for a few years you would have seen the changes already taking place. No more New Years Eve parties, or West End stage with music playing in the evening. No more turnstiles to discourage the local riff raff from just coming in to the dance clubs or walking around causing trouble. Mind you, the area is still crowded and is safe by my standards, but for some reason Disney sees this as not enough, focusing their gripe on not enough of the "family friendly" stuff. Part of me agrees that the area was poorly constructed, with family oriented fare on either side of PI, forcing families to walk around or more recently, through, the club area. The other part wishes they'd leave the Adventurers Club (and, to a lesser extent, the Comedy Warehouse) well enough alone.

Alot of folks agree with me. This petition, started on Friday may fall on deaf Disney ears, but it is a way of letting folks know your appreciation for the Adventurers Club.

Also, if you want to email or write to these higher ups that put the kibash on safe Disney nightlife for the kids-at-heart, the information is below. I'd try and note that you're a Disney fan on the whole (if you are), and note how sad you are to see such a unique experience going by the wayside. Trust me, if you can make this a positive note (with no suggestions, they turn those down) it will more than likely get seen by someone on high. They may do nothing in the short run to stop or change their plan of action, but they'll know what was done was at the expense and joy of many.

Mr. Robert Iger
Chief Executive Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4873

Walt Disney World Guest
Communications PO Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0040

Reference Kevin Lansberry, "VP Downtown Disney Operations" for the Florida address, as he was the one who talked to the media about Disney's "bold, new vision" for the area. Bold, new vision indeed. A Hanes t-shirt store, a hot air balloon that will probably never fly and rumors of overpriced, underwhelming food and shopping. Sounds like Disneyland's DTD area. I went there in February, and was overwhelmingly unimpressed.

Have no idea what I mean when I say Adventurers Club, or Kungaloosh? Take a look at this site, one of a handful out there that showcase the soon-to-be ill fated club. It really is a diamond in the rough.

As for me, I'll head there every chance I get over the next three months. My family initiated me into the AC when I was a mere lass of 12, and now at 31 I see it as the local "Cheers", where many folks go in and get recognized by the performers or one another. Everyone coming in can just sit down with their friends and loved ones and enjoy the show and liveliness of one of the coolest clubs in the world. At least, for a little while longer.

Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe

It's hard to believe I've been in my new job for nearly six weeks now. But here I am! Picking up work here and there, and immensely enjoying the training I've had so far. I have the nicest boss ever, and some pretty extraordinary coworkers too. I do feel like I'm in some sort of alternate universe where things have slowed just a bit, and priorities are different, but in ways they haven't changed at all (waves to the old coworkers).

To recap experiences as of late, I had a business trip out to Chicago to take up knowledge on a tool that was new to me. Thankfully we had a knowledgable and entertaining instructor (thanks Art!). He made it easy for the class to understand and kept us awake with questions and plenty of exercises with the tool. He even threw in a few stories on the side (meeting a famous, often ridiculed ballplayer and finding out he was a nice guy for one...I'll have to remember that one for a later post). He also pointed out one day that the "Public Enemy" remake starring Johnny Depp was being filmed a few blocks away. (Note: Couldn't find it, despite helpful locals pointing us in various directions.)

Had a great conversation with a guy up there that was selling THE Indy Car from Raiders. Didn't get a chance to see it in person which I regret, but it was nice talking to him and hearing its history since the movie. I hope it gets in good hands *cough*museum or archives*cough* and he gets compensated well for it.

My last evening in Chi-Town had to be the best. Class ended, and I made my way out of our building (next to the soon-to-be-finished Trump Tower) and headed at least seven to ten blocks south, and one or two blocks east to the Art Institute of Chicago. I had to see this place as I am a lover of the Arts, and was floored when I walked in to see Thursday and Friday evening patrons got in for free for part of the summer. A few of the wings were closed, so I didn't get to take a look at a second (of many) Van Gogh self portrait. But I did get to see tons of French Impressionism (my favorite), the painting seen in Ferris Bueller as well as many other works of art in various textiles, shapes and sizes (and bought a few in print form). I'm hoping to get just a few of my pictures into Flickr or somewhere where folks can see them. They were all so beautiful.

Unfortunately after an hour and a half at the museum my feet grew cranky, so I knew I had to turn back and make the long walk back north and slightly west to my hotel (got a HUGE room - big surprise for me). I walked across the street and out of museum goer traffic, prepared to head to the Chilis down the street from my home away from home when I spied a favorite, once in a while treat. Panda Express, with its soft glowing sign beckoned me in for dinner, and I did not turn her down.

I know, I didn't see everything I could have, but this was a business trip, not for pleasure. One of these days I'll have to get up there (mayhaps with friends) and walk around a bit. One has to take in the atmosphere (and wind) on foot or there's little point in going.

Moving on, I had a little time after the trip to get more things in order at work and prepare for a few days off with the family. The parents flew in for my official graduation ceremony, and had a DVC room at Saratoga Springs booked for a long weekend. We took in the ceremony (all 3 hours) with good humor (potty dance 'cross the stage, with honors), and hung out with friends at a local Mexican joint. I got a few unexpected gifts (GPS for the car, gift card for a favorite restaurant, money for a new tv), and then my dad dropped a bombshell on me. He'd helped me out big time in March with a donation to replace my dead transmission (it keeled on me on the freeway no less). Now he tells me I no longer owe him. Wha? I'm speechless. Really...thanks Dad. I love you.

Hanging with my parents at WDW this time around was fun. We aimed for our preferred rides (Haunted Mansion and Jungle Cruise moreso), and my dad and I helped "plow the field" of guests to enable mom and her scooter a path to cruise. We took advantage of Extra Magic Hours a few times and that was time well spent. Got a few extra rides in with alot less pedestrian traffic. And it rained. Oh, it rained every afternoon. My dad will never let me forget that. "If life were fair it'd follow you on your upcoming trip," he said. Guess what? It might. *grumbles*

Indeed I have a trip coming up with a dear friend, and will post a recap afterwards. For now, the next post is more important...