Monday, July 25, 2011

There and Back Again (SDCC 2011 super post)

Like the event in 2009, the San Diego Comic Con has come and gone. Back to the ol' grindstone tomorrow. But for now, big honking place holder in place for my up and coming post, m'kay?

Alright, one month later, plenty of time to digest the experience, so here it goes:

Looking back on this year's event, I see that the individuals in my group, along with myself had a lot on our wish list of things to see and do. Amongst my list was a hope to see the True Blood panel again, see Guillermo del Toro at one of the discussions he would be at (one was with Jeff Bridges - ack!), maybe score some tickets to see Captain America early, and see and/or meet one of my favorite authors, Jim Butcher (of The Dresden Files) at a panel on books vs graphic novels. Among all those wants, only the last one happened, which was fantastic (he signed book 1 of the series and we spoke briefly...*geek squee*). I think we all learned a good lesson though - pick and our battles choose wisely, and realize we will not get in to see/do everything we want, especially if said happenings are close in time to one another.

Surprisingly, I spent most of the time calming others down when we were in a hurry or waiting (not my brother's favorite past time). I've gotten to a point where I know if it's meant to be, it'll happen, whether I hustle my butt to get somewhere or wait for three hours to get into Ballroom 20 for one panel (which I did on Saturday...Fringe, for someone else in my group).

I'd say the highlights of the journey this year were as follows:
- Getting to nosh on meals at Cafe Diem (a Hard Rock restaurant done over for the tv series Eureka on Syfy) not once, but TWICE. I nicked a pen on the first go around too, though I think everyone else was doing the same. (My apologies to the waitress!)
- Having Conan O'Brien show up at a panel I was merely at (for The Green Lantern animated series). I was waiting for the next one for Falling Skies with my group, and Conan popped in to shamelessly plug his "Flaming C" superhero. I had no idea who the character was until then, but saw a few ladies and gents in costume with big C's on their chest, which did make me wonder what I was missing. Regardless of my being a noob, I enjoyed his hijinks with fans, and the lengths to which he went to get the crowd roaring with laughter.
- Futurama and Family Guy panels - I don't watch Family Guy much at all, but do catch Futurama once in a while, and they happened to have a panel on Saturday (the ENTIRE day spent in Ballroom 20). The Futurama cast was there in full this year, and I was thrilled to hear plenty of Bender and Frye talk. As for Family Guy, all I can say is thank you Seth Green and Kara Vallow for pointing out the gal signing what you were saying (in American Sign Language) to a group of folks at the front of the room. We all now know how to say "dirty hobo penis" in ASL. (And we now know you have warnings on the back of your name cards on your tables up there in reference to "minding the language around the youngins". Ha!) Note - see 3:30 or so into the video link above.
- Seeing part one of the preview for Terra Nova (the future meets the Cretaceous). Why yes, I'll watch the rest of that series. Thanks! (And can I visit Australia sometime, please?)
-'s panel - It had a lot of news Hobbit fans had seen recently, but they did mention Peter Jackson's latest video blog was out (made for a great treat when I got home), and I got the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. Neato! It kept my dwarvy fetish alive (Hellooo Fili!), yet in check during the con, and encouraged me to start posting on the site (After signing up how many years ago!?).
- Despite feeling a little under the weather Saturday morning, I managed to meet a very nice couple while in the huge line for Ballroom 20, which stretched out clear to the marina and beyond. I didn't catch their names (And I had business cards on me...D'oh!), but know the area they live, so hopefully I can catch them again on the 'net for some chatting about writing. Both are writers, and the gentleman (who looked like Peter Jackson and Francis Ford Coppola had a son) noted his specialty was Fantasy along the lines of Tolkein, which left me intrigued.
- Food closer to where we were staying (Old Town San Diego) was much more plentiful, less crowded, and prices much more reasonable. We decided to get away from the hubub of the post-Con party scene, which was the smart thing to do. Most folks heading out after the Exhibition Hall closed also headed to areas nearest to their hotels, and I'm sure that alleviated any strain on getting around in the Gaslamp Quarter. Must've been a win-win for everyone. (Maybe, just maybe I'll stick around there for a night or two next year and catch a party, or hang at a pub - we shall see.)
- Swag, and a few cool items bought - I got a few die-cast pins from Falling Skies (another show I haven't watched yet), along with a hoodie complete with a very trippy looking alien's harness on the back (Have no clue? IMDB it.) I also came across a booth for a comic called "Two Lumps", about two Russian Blue cats, one smart named Ebenezer, one not-so-much named Snooch. I had to get one of their signature plushes of one of the kitties (Snooch - his face is priceless). I also happened upon a shirt at the Hard Rock's store I could not pass up - it's a Farnsworth on a t-shirt for the series Warehouse 13. I actually saw a suped up, non-working Farnsworth at the QmX booth, but it was $399 or so. My wallet cried, so I bought a Yo-Saf-Brig print instead (Firefly series), because she rocks. Oh, and I nearly missed a faux newspaper for the series Haven (based on the Stephen King novel "The Colorado Kid"). The newspaper is shown in the beginning credits to the show, and I am so thrilled to have picked it up at Cafe Diem that I may frame it.

Things to remember for next year (myself, and YOU, if you happen to attend):
- Pick and choose battles wisely. For me, it will be all about True Blood and The Hobbit, and that's it. Well, unless del Toro shows up and starts talking more about The (new) Haunted Mansion movie. I bet I could make it to all three panels if they were to happen. Although, if buzz about TR3N comes into play...(see, I can't think ahead like this or it all goes kaplooey.)
- If Hall H or Ballroom 20 makes you shudder (Friday or Saturday are the big days for those rooms), have a look at the lineup each day when the SDCC site starts showing that information. If they have a few popular panels early on, plan to GET IN LINE. After said big panels, a lot of folks might head on out of the room, leaving you with a better chance to get in and see what you want to see. (This - is what I should have done on Friday for True Blood. Little did I know that Torchwood was the must see panel that morning, and Ballroom 20 nearly cleared out after that. Now I know better...and will wait patiently in the long-assed line next year.)
- If you or a member of your party has a smart phone, iPad or laptop, use it! Keep up to date on changes for anything you want to do, and take down important information, like where to get your tickets for 2013 during 2012's con, or spur of the moment signings, or where special meetups or viral marketing is going on around the convention center.
- Don't overdo it! I staved off any chance of the dreaded "Con Crud" by eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep every night, taking vitamins (and drinking aloe vera juice - it actually works), and by keeping on an even keel throughout the week. Treat yourself right, and you're sure to have a good time.
- FRAK costumes. With the exception of a Merlotte's waitress outfit, I'll be going as a mild mannered tourist next year. I lost more weight between getting one of my costumes altered and the convention, and it was too big! I didn't uber loathe having the extra room, but when I was roaming the halls, seeing folks in more form fitting wear, I did wish I had something along those lines (showing off my slimming figure...just a little).
- Even the most impatient of con-goers can enjoy something. My brother hated (HATED) waiting, and let me know it several times in as nice a way as he possibly could (he uh, won't be back next year). But he turned his own frown upside-down by finally succumbing to wearing a costume he had packed with him, just in case he had the urge to geek out. He wore it, and ended up in Life online along with many other photo shoots. Yeah, who says you didn't have a good time, little brother. *smirks*

That's it for this year, unless a spur of the moment thought comes up, in which I may blurt it out in a future post. I hope others had as good a time as I did, and will see you all next year!

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