Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hot Fun in the Summertime?

This week so far has felt like a slew of Mondays, which seems abnormal around these parts, at least for summertime. Just a week for fires to crop up and be put out, I suppose. One role may change a little, but for the good. I walked in to it like one would if they had one day of bootcamp, followed by deployment to battle (with a slinky for a weapon). Not the best entrance ever, but I made do.

A couple of movies are in my sights for the weekend (ah, respite in air conditioning once again); The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Inception. The former is headed up by Nicolas Cage, and looks to be his ever-so-slight homage to a favorite (adult) Wizard of mine. The latter looks like a cross between Dark City and The Matrix. Visually very trippy, with a few actors I'm happy to see onscreen. (DiCaprio, Page, Hardy, Gordon-Levitt aka 'that kid from Third Rock From the Sun')

Yesterday I found a clock radio tucked away in a box during a round of sorting and organizing. It's a model that has nature sounds on it. I plugged it in last night before settling down to read, turning it on to sounds of the ocean. When the characters in the book started hearing the sound of ocean waves lapping against a distant shoreline, I knew it was time to go to bed.

Twas hoping to wrangle a friend from a ways away into hanging out this weekend, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. I'm a little aggravated and more than sad by that, but it isn't her fault, nor is it mine. I can't be selfish, only understanding and supportive, and I hope to hang out with her in the future.

I recall a story a friend of mine told me long ago. One whom I had a crush on for a while too (now, it's an abundance of respect). He recalled a defining moment he had when he met someone who, when he saw her, he understood. He was meant to meet her, and know her somehow. It led to dating and the relationship arena, though not past that. What threw me was how he described it - making the meeting sound like he was picking out a new car or found a new favorite appetizer at the local pub; slightly impersonal, as if the gal was now an object rather than a person.

I didn't get it then, but I do now. I know how it is now to suddenly have someone in your sights and realize "I have to know him", and that is what happened. I have gotten to know him a little. Now though, I have constraints (location, opportunity, other interests for him, possible interests for me), and feel I should give up. However, I was spurred on earlier by him to not give up, in some fashion. Hmm, what to do.

For now...more work.

Later, who knows. He is worth it though.