Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I have *winces* a splitting headache, and apparently, my building is having some sort of block/pool party.

Nothing says fun more than hearing Spice World played so loud it vibrates the walls.


I celebrated a birthday within the past few days. Had myself a great time with friends who ran me through all four Disney parks (zoinks!). Stood in line alot too, mainly for the opening of Star Wars weekends at Disney/MGM Studios and the quest for limited edition goodies, but apart from the waiting, that was still alot of fun. Every one of us who had cameras looked like paparazzi each time a character in dress would walk by. Half the time, I got pictures of them from the back, but a picture's a picture when you're photographing SW characters. They look great from nearly any angle. (If I have some time and energy later this week, I'll post pictures, and perhaps my first attempt at a clip.)

On Saturday I decided to take in the DiVinci Code, and I was rather surprised by my reaction to it. After hearing all of the negative publicity surrounding its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, along with pans from many critics, I thought it would be bordering on terrible. It wasn't absolutely fantastic, but it was enjoyable and thought provoking. I had a moment during the movie where I rolled my eyes, noting tweaks to the storyline that, had I been watching a Harry Potter movie, I would have balked at. This time around, I kept my darned inner mouth shut, and took in the movie as it was translated from the book.

I've made it my mission to tell folks (via net or in person) that the movie is worth seeing. Even if you don't agree with its premise, you'll have something to think about afterwards, I guarantee it.

I honestly don't know how some of the critics could have laughed at key scenes. The audience I sat in only laughed when something was truly funny. I could understand the criticism of some folk towards its premise though. That'll always be a sore spot for many, fiction or not.

And yeah, I enjoyed seeing "the chapel" I've been ranting about. It was nice to see it without the clutter of scaffolding.

Monday, May 15, 2006

So Dark the Con of Man

My goodness, it is beautiful outside. Temps in the mid 80's, a fair breeze filtering out the sticky humidity. And I'm stuck inside. Ah, the heck with it.

*heads outside to the courtyard for 5 minutes*

It's funny when I head outside, the first thing that pops into my mind is "Arghh! Sunshine!" (hisses...hears and feels my skin start to snap, crackle and pop)

I'm kidding...jes forgot my sunglasses.


Only a few days 'til The DiVinci Code hits theatres (woo!). I finished the book a few weeks back. I've been told the companion book to this one (Angels and Demons) is just as good. I picked that up a few days ago, and it's hard to put down.

My take on the whole deal is – sure it might be a load of codswollop, but the tale (book and myth) is interesting. Regardless of whether or not the information is true, I thought the concept of there being a key figure missing in Christian scripture (especially female and a bloodline to boot) a unique idea to ponder. After all, none of us know how much of any religious writing has been taken out or added in over the years. Many just accept what they’re given as the truth (on faith, as it were).

** On a side note, I made my father laugh when he called back on Easter weekend to quiz me on none other than my knowledge of Christian history. Being a non-practicing person in my faith, there were a few seconds of dead silence coupled with a moment of panic. Thankfully, he didn't ask me to quote any versus (then I'd be screwed). But, I managed to note a few Apostles for one question, knew there was 12, but threw in a quip over Chris Rock never getting to be number thirteen "cuz the bible left the brothas out". I'm horrible. *grins*

Anywho, back to my excitement over the movie. I can't wait to see the historical landmarks, many of which I've never visited, but would like to some day (especially the Louvre). BUT, one key site that I have visited will play a big role in the story. The Rosslyn Chapel (I probably mentioned it before) – It's hard to describe how I felt when I walked into it. It's not a huge building, but it is bigger than a lot of places of worship I've visited. The day I went to see it, it was FREEZING cold (the kind of cold that can put someone's eyes out, if you catch my drift), and the building was being worked (I could only call their procedure "beautifying"). There was no heat within it. There were electrical cords strewn about on the floor for the few lights that were on (most of the light came from outside via way of windows).

Most of what I was thinking focused on the size of the building when I stood inside. (I didn't want to inhale in here in an effort to take in the history - I would have ended up growing icicles out of my nostrils.) Decent sized, but crowded, with the pews and a pulpit in the middle and a praying area up front, and intricately carved columns going along the perimeter (well, one was - the unfortunate show off), the archways and ceiling covered with unusual sculptures and worn wall art depicting Christian and pre-Christian symbols. Meh..I could go on about this place for hours, it was so great just to walk into something that had a history. It was musty, and cold and dank, and I loved every minute of it. Well, not the cold part, but I survived.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Land of the Free (Ride)

So, it's been a little over a week since the big to do with the illegal immigration rallies. Countless millions were to to march in cities across the country, waving American flags (and Mexican..wth?!?) as they chanted for their hope for rights in the United States. I agree that they shouldn't be branded felons (what Congress is currently mulling over now) as they do contribute alot (and take alot, courtesy of the taxpayer). HOWEVER, I do think if they are serious about wanting to become US Citizens, they should be given the opportunity to do so (only that, not guest passes unless taxation comes with it). AND they should be required to follow the correct process in obtaining citizenship (heh...you just knew there was a catch there).

Sorry, but considering who I work for, and the folks who work in the company who have had to go through alot to not only obtain citizenship, but get cleared to work here, I'm not going to just wave any ol' Tom, Dick or Jose into the country. If you want to stick around in this grand country, you have to play by our rules. And don't even think of pinning the terms racist or hypocrit on the US for any of the gripe coming from the opposition. Your own country (Mexico) is pegging illegal immigrants from its south (mainly Guatemala) with prison time and deportation; at the same time, pamphlets are being sent out by Mexican government on how their folks can hop into our country safely (and illegally). Seems a little two faced, doesn't it.

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I hung out with friends Rita and Doug for a bit on the weekend. We strolled through Epcot, and let out sighs of relief when we encountered a patch of breeze in the air, or entryway air conditioning that wasn't drowned out by the 90+ degree heat. It was a blast. I enjoyed feeding the squirrels bits of french fries, watching them hold their food and munch away so politely. :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

No..There is...another

Thanks to a morning email from a friend, I now have a heads up (along with a billion other folks I'm sure) that Lucas has finally decided to release the original Star Wars trilogy on dvd.

It's about FRIGGIN time!

From September 12th to December 31st of this year, each movie will be released on two discs apiece that will include the remastered versions as well. We finally get to see the movies in their original glory, as they should be.

And Han shoots first.

In other exciting news, there's plenty of buzz brewing on the new refurbishments to the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. Several minor updates to the seance room, along with spectacular updates to the attic (and a twist to the storyline) prove that WDI has a keen interest in keeping the guests well entertained.

They have a wicked sense of humor too.