Monday, August 28, 2006

You Always End Up...A-Head!

That's the hilarious end to an utterly terrible joke at the Disney Jungle Cruise attractions. Alright, so it's not that bad. It's one of those "so bad it's good" lines. Anyways, it's been a while, and during that...while, I've kept on working as usual, waiting for news (or perhaps an interview...sometime this century?!) on what my team will be doing with its vacant positions. So far, no one they've looked at has garnered an interview, a few folks have been elimated, but not me, thank goodness.

Apart from that, catching Scoop again, working hard on my current course (I'm now in the final week), and relaxing with friends has been the norm. Although...a little guy named Ernesto is starting to irritate me, just a little.

Well, it beats having another hurricane over Labor Day weekend. Certainly put a damper on the previous two year's holidays.


I'm not embarassed to say that I'm a few weeks late with catching the latest
Evanescense video. Actually, I liked their music a few years back, but in Denver
the song "Bring Me To Life" was played so much that I couldn't bear to listen to it away from the radio (not your fault Ev folk!). Fast forward a few years, and it isn't as if I've been on another planet, but I've been paying more attention to music in movies, commercials and such that catch my attention. Unfortunately Ev took a back seat for a long while. Well, now the group is riding shotgun with many of my favorite tunes, with their song "Call Me When You're Sober". It's a tough song to listen to and take in the meaning, as it deals with addiction and what I'd say is one of many consequences of it (losing those you care for). Now segue over to the music video, which was filmed in what looks like a majestic old hotel. The effects were simple, yet very impressive on film. The main costars (Amy, the lead singer as Little Red, and a guy I will only refer to as Wolfie, as none other than The Big Bad Wolf) did a fantastic job. I'm sure the die hard Ev fans (and Wolfie girls, er pack?) are loving this vid. Awesome job, I'd say. I rarely, if ever watch Mtv these days, and merely caught it while channel surfing.


Last week as I worked into the wee hours of Sunday night and Monday morning on a course, I happened to catch the pilot episode (cartoon) for a very unique show on SciFi. Will it end up as a series? Who knows, but I hope that plenty of folks write in if they liked what they saw.

The show stars Paul Giamatti as Screw-On Head, David Hyde Pierce as his nemisis (was his butler, is now an undead/zombie pain in the behind), Molly Shannon as SOH's former love interest turned vampire, and none other than Corey Burton (who does alot of great voiceover work for Disney) as Abe Lincoln (and a few other characters).

The show is a little of Wild Wild West meets Universal Monster horror. It's very interesting, and has quite a few quotes that'll make you chuckle.

If you all are curious, have a gander at this link:

You can watch the pilot in its entirety from your computer.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

If you put our heads together, it would make a hollow sound

I saw two movies this past weekend, and enjoyed them both immensely. First off, on Friday evening I made what feels like a weekly trek over to my favorite theatre to catch Woody Allen's latest flick, Scoop. I'd missed his last one, and a friend of mine reminded me that this was coming up (more like she reminded me Hugh Jackman's in it - meh, I prefer him with retractable claws). Anyhow, I had myself a good meal at a local restaurant (best clam chowder in town), headed over to see the movie, and when I attempted to pick up my preordered ticket, only my receipt stub came out. So I got a ticket window guy to ok it, headed in, and the ticket taker let me through but handed me what she thought was my ticket (perhaps it got stuck?). Alas, it was Miami Vice, and after I made a look of absolute disgust, we both giggled and I made my way to the theatre.

Scoop is a pretty good movie. It's cute, a little formulaic (you figure what's going to happen does), but its humor along the way keeps the storyline pleasantly afloat (with the Grim Reaper, no less). Woody is as he was in some of his earlier roles, going off on oddball tangents in his own dialogue in an effort to explain himself. He's weird, but in a kind of way that makes me think of my grandpas or uncles, capable of occasional incoherent, but humorous thoughts (often recalled out loud).

And Hugh was pretty good too. As was Scarlett, and the costars I recognized whose names I can't recall right this second.

Did I mention Hugh was shirtless a few times? Once in swim trunks.

I'd give the movie 4 1/2 out of 5 tarot cards (see the movie and you'll get that).

Onto the revisiting of Clerks II. Ryan called me the night I saw Scoop, asking if I wanted to head to a cheaper show of Kevin's Smith's latest the next morning. So, I said yes, keeping in mind I had an appointment with my hair stylist less than an hour after the movie finished (and yes, I made it in time). It was nice to see this movie again, and catch what I'd missed. The first time around, I didn't realize the Silence of the Lambs reference until it was mentioned to me (note to Kevin - that creeped me out, yet I couldn't look away). I'd missed naked Jay and the Lord of the Rings vs Star Wars argument (resulting in vomit - lovely) too. I would have voted for Star Wars, had I been sitting at Mooby's sucking down a shake and eating a burger at that moment, but Randal is such a putz! I wanted to give that guy a swirly in a dirty toilet for most of the movie. (lol)

My favorite part - the dance sequence (second note to Kevin - if you ever do one of those again, I'd love to audition). That was hilarious, cliched, and what can I say, some guys look good in pig tails. Clerks II (the second go around) gets 5 out of 5 stars from me.

On another note - Yeah, I am giving myself a very hard time as of late. Even my friends have noticed that, in regards to several situations I'm facing (one, not so much - yet). I swear to cut myself some slack, and just handle these when the time comes. This weekend, I hope to treat myself to at least one thing (barring tropical storm Chris) - a baseball game with buddies. I haven't done that since 2004, and even though I'm not a big sports fan, I enjoy the spirit and excitement of it all.

Enough with the talk...must get back to my studies.