Friday, June 23, 2006

These are My....Recreation Clothes

Heh..I did catch Nacho Libre last weekend. Parts of it weirded me out a little (like the love ballad to the nun), but it was very funny. Even though Jack Black's an average guy in the looks department, his humor and antics make it easy to watch him on the big screen. You can't help but gawk at the guy as he slips on tights and a cape and gets caught by one of the church's orphans:

Chancho, when you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room... It's for fun.

The parts with the kids had me rolling, especially when they winced at the food they had to eat at the beginning (It looked like watered down green frijoles...blech!). The sidekick was great too...a very unique guy. I'd heard folks south of the border weren't too thrilled with the portrayal of their people, but c'mon, this is only a caricature of a segment of the Central American population. Yah gotta lighten up! (Hey, I've had to take jokes and caricatures for years on Native Americans, women, etc.)

Away from the preachiness...I met a very nice guy at work (insert sizzle here). I've known him for a few months, and figured him for a taken guy (as in gf). I don't think he is taken as of late, but who knows. Aside from a recent confusing shenanigan (I blame your buddies, I think he's pretty darned cool, and he's left me intrigued. Regardless of his single status, I think he's someone I'd like to get to know better (get your minds out of the gutter please).

On to tv - really not much is on. I don't watch the tube much, but lately I've been catching a little Felicity, a little Entourage (Mr myself), Star Trek: TNG (meh), and House (it's about a grumpy doc...named House..woo). I have to get myself away from the tv and back to work on art projects, and cleaning out my last box or two from my move. That, and I could use just a little bit of sun. Can anyone say...Typhoon Lagoon?

Although...Blade is hitting the air on Spike tv in 5 days. (that deserves a big WOO)