Monday, April 24, 2006

Strange Things are Afoot at the Circle-K

The gas station around the corner just dropped a few cents, which is odd considering how much it's gone up. Lately, it has felt and perpetuated the current shortage in available oil (grr - shut up media!). I expect it to rise again though. It should in fact, since alot of the refineries that are looking to produce more ethanol infused gasoline (ethanol is a home-grown renewable fuel made from corn feedstock) are going to shut down, rev back up (the ones in the gulf coast) or cut down on production over the summer to gear up for uber ethanol-gas production a few months from now. Expect the price per gallon to jump another twenty five to fifty cents, and then start dropping ever so slowly over the second half of the summer. Hey, we can't complain in the States (no, really). Folks over in Europe and up in Ca(nan)ada are paying two to three times more, most of that being ciphened off for taxes.

If you're interested in questing for cheaper gas, try the Gas Buddy online tool.

That's it for tonight...I feel like chopping and blending a good salsa for a Mexican dish tonight. Might throw in my heart and brain for extra flavor (meh, who needs em). I wonder if either tastes like chicken? *gags*