Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Year, and Old Habits

I doubt I'm the only person glad to have finished 2006 on a good note. Fun times spent with friends and family (and their wacky pets...stay tuned for pics/movies), tasty food, and neato gifts that I didn't expect, didn't need but much appreciated, including my new 30 gig video Ipod. Jeez, what timing...my 1st generation one was just about to expire, I'm sure of it.

Anywho, all of that's done. I had a great few days in Colorado (between blizzards, and yes, I got out just in the nick of time), and now I'm back in the swing of things at work, and I feel strangely optimistic for this year. (knocks on wood)

I am nervous about one thing I can't quite control though - the new congress (and head of it), along with the outcome of the Iraqi war. Ah well, at least I can say I voted for the persons I thought were most qualified (Republican this time around). As for the war, I am placing alot of hope on those who control the government now. Sure, I'm not for war, but these days it seems like we have more psychopathic dictators to talk to than those we could simply sit down with, drink tea and hug it out. Can't really have a positive conversation with someone who wants to see you dead for your beliefs, values, government, etc.

And on getting this done quickly...boy if someone had a process to do that and succeed (against the terrorists/insurgents), I'd sure like to hear it, because wars are not fought and won in a day. They take time, heart, and a good plan. Hopefully ole GW will have new ideas that will work, and in the future we and other freedom loving countries can take heart that we did the right thing - we stuck it out, got the right people out of power, and the world can be safer once again.

Until the next nutjob comes along. And the media starts with their oddball leftist (or is it completely anti-American?) thing again. *sigh*

Ah well...back to work.